Or does this look like a giant sanitary pad with wings?
What Were We Ever Worried About?
5 hours ago
AV: the gateway drug to real reform
EUROPEAN officials have been condemned for fining the University of Northampton more that £56,000 for failing to display the Euro flag outside the college.
It has been revealed in Parliament that the university was fined £56,477 for not displaying the European logo on a board outside the college’s Newton Building in St George’s Avenue.And that's the whole point of these projects. To have lots of EU flags around showing off how nice they are by funding things. It's about making you think the EU are the good guys. You could probably burn the money and they wouldn't care, but you'd better have that flag.
The fine was imposed by European officials because money from the European Regional Development Fund had been used to fund new facilities inside the Newton Building.
The fine has been labelled ‘astronomical’ by the Conservative MP for Northampton North, Michael Ellis, who said the money should be paid back to the university immediately
The reaction of Milly Dowler's family to the revelation that the News of the World hacked into messages left on her phone was one of shock and disgust, their lawyer, Mark Lewis, said. "Sally and Bob Dowler have been through so much grief and trauma without further distressing revelations to them regarding the loss of their daughter," Lewis said.This would normally be for my snarky bit, but I think I'll just repeat what I said earlier: